Need a Review?

I'll be your beta reader 👩‍💻

Have you just hit publish and want a coherence, confidence, or quality check on your writing?

Sometimes Hemingway App and Grammarly just don't cut it—you need a human!

If you're a developer with a tech blog, or a tech writer with an anything-blog, I'll peer review your work. 🤓

Send it over 🚚

Pass your published (or ready-to-publish) piece over to me and I’ll have a read. I’m a friendly, empathetic editor, and will give you some gentle feedback.

Confidential 🔐

I won’t tell anyone I read your work (unless you want me to). I won’t credit myself on your work to others.

Obligation-free 🤷‍♀️

You can take-or-leave my feedback. No worries.