Blogstar: Josh

Josh shows us how to treat the reader with respect. The writing principles on display here combine to make the reader feel knowledgeable while they are learning. Sneaky!

G'day! flicstar your friendly editor here. I help writers create great written content. Let me help you improve your writing by taking a look at what some others are doing really well.

I use editing codes to review articles and call out specific techniques for effective writing.

Today I looked at some writing by Josh Comeau:

📝 A World-Class Code Playground with Sandpack

In my positivity pass on this article, I highlight a couple of principles that make it delightful:

  • TONE - The audience is clearly articulated, and the choice of language and tone is pitched at the right level. The article respects the audience by assuming a level of knowledge.
  • DIR - The author uses a combination of text and visuals to take you on a learning journey. The writing is linear in a satisfying way - it doesn’t leave any gaps.
  • ILLUS, EXMPL - Great use of graphics and examples to help build understanding.
  • JUDG, FUD - The article presents drawbacks and challenges, but always in a respectful way (not casting fear, uncertainty or doubt). This allows the author to present a comprehensive picture. Talking about the good side and bad side of a thing is best, and being able to talk about the downside without being negative is a skill we should all strive for.

🎉 Kudos to Josh for some great writing!

You can find the editing codes on the Open Strategy Partners website and on GitHub.